Galaxy Unmanned Systems (GUS) has two presenters on the schedule for this Exposition. First up is Jason White, Managing Partner. His presentation, Autonomous Multi-layer Integrated Macro-/Micro-Swarming Networked System-of-Systems for UAM, FINAL ID: AIAA-2024-1288 (Control ID: 3946975). Jason White will discuss Galaxy’s Constellation Concept and validation roadmap employing their Persistent Airborne Laboratory (PAL). Communicating and controlling airborne launched and recovered drone swarms is the dual-use validation work needed to build a UTM system that will ultimately allow for integrating drones and UAM/AAM in the U.S. National Airspace System.
Session: TF-03, Urban, Regional, and On-Demand Air Mobility, Emergent Market Studies; Autonomous Vehicle Operations and Simplified Vehicle Operations
Scheduled: January 9, 2024 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM Eastern Time, in room Blue Spring I Also on the schedule for Friday is Galaxy Unmanned Systems Guidance and Navigation scientist, Dr. Uluhan C. Kaya. Dr. Kaya will be speaking on a paper he submitted as a PhD candidate at UTA with coauthored by Dr. Kamesh Subbarao. Presentation: Catenary Guided Cooperative Aerial Manipulation of a Cable Suspended Payload via Multi-Rotors, FINAL ID: AIAA-2024-2744 (Control ID: 3949248)
Dr. Kaya’s presentation will focus on manipulating suspended payload and the issues inherent in cooperatively delivering cargo. Designing and programming control strategies for these systems to work must consider and compensate for disturbances resulting from the swing motion of the payload and cables, which could destabilize and cause flight control issues with the overall system.
Session: GNC-46, Distributed Guidance, Navigation and Control I Scheduled: January 12, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time, in room Bayhill 17Â
More information about the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum) program covers the science, technologies, and policies that are shaping the future of aerospace. The forum is the largest event for aerospace research, development, and technology in the world—bringing together 11 individual technical disciplines. AIAA SciTech Forum delegates include over 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students, and aerospace professionals from nearly 1,000 corporate, academic, and government institutions in 43 countries.